Sunday 19 August 2012

e - Call

This technology can be used to save many lives.This is done with the help of sensors. When an accident takes place, the sensors in the car contacts the nearest emergency centre (dials 112). It transmits the exact location of the vehicle and establishes a voice connection with the emergency services operator .The eCall systems will also use satellites and mobile telephony caller location to determine the location of the crashed car. Based on the location, eCall will contact the nearest emergency center, and will also send a minimum set of data (MSD) that includes time, the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, vehicle identification, an indication if eCall was automatically or manually triggered and information about a possible service provider.

1 comment:

  1. HOW WOULD the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, vehicle identification, an indication if eCall was automatically or manually triggered and information about a possible service provider HELP?
